Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I'd say fall is in the air but that's too cliché

These past few weeks in Utah have just been beautiful to say the least.  I love the fact that its still above 70 because that means my hands and feet aren't freezing all the time just yet.  There's really only two things I don't like about fall, or autumn, or harvest (depending on how old you are or where you are from).
1.  It gets darker earlier - which means less play time outside.
2.  It gets colder and snow is on its way - I hate being cold!
Other than that I love the fact that there's football and volleyball to watch, the garden is still producing yummy foods, hiking is less crowded, I can still wear my shorts and the changing of the colors give a whole array of scenic views that you only get for a few weeks a year. 

To celebrate the fall season I thought I would highlight a few pictures that I took up in Little Cottonwood and Big Cottonwood Canyons.  Enjoy!

 You can look at other pictures from around Utah in the Photo Gallery By Location.  You can also view all my photo albums on my Public Gallery.