Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Arabian Nights - Dubai

While Dubai is known for its tall buildings and fancy cars it also has a national park just outside of town called Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve.  There are only a few tour companies which take you out into the middle of the desert.  I'd definitely recommend it if you have a late afternoon and evening free.

There are many activities you can do:
Ride through the sand dunes and view Oman from a distance!
See Desert Oryx -which are really cool and the national animal of UAE
See a falcon show (and hold one too!)
Ride a camel
...and while you are at it, you might as well drink some camel's milk (and it's not too bad)
and then get a henna tattoo so you can ask a gazillion questions to the nice lady (note the tattoo isn't so pretty when they are wearing off however)

And then, listen and watch traditional dancing after they have tuned the drums over the fire.

Now, if that isn't your cup of camel's milk you can always do the traditional abra boat ride or go to the gold market.  

My vote, hit the desert!

If you want to see additional pictures I've taken please visit my photo album at TrekkingTrego Public Gallery. All pictures are available for purchase.